I swear that I will love you forever.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A letter

Dear Cutie,

This is the beginning of a love letter.

The reason I say that this is the beginning of a letter, and not a complete one, is because I will never be able to explain exactly how I feel about you in one little blog post. However, I think it will be a good start to a letter that I plan on writing every day, for the rest of my life.

I'm not even sure how to begin this... you are everything to me.

When I joined the paper, the only things that I really had on my mind were that I would be meeting new people, maybe I'd gain a friend or two, and I'd have a good time. If you would have told me that 1. I'd meet the perfect girl 2. she would eventually fall in love with me and 3. that perfect girl would actually only live a few miles away from me... I totally would have laughed.

We faced our first setback when we were both staff writers at the same time. I was a shining star at the news desk while you dropped the course. It didn't matter, because we would meet later. You were a writer when I was an assistant editor. You were cute, and from Lockport, and I noticed you. However, you always ran away right after class and I didn't get much chance to talk with you.

Flash forward a couple of months. We had a little discussion about which writers we wanted to make assistants. You were a clear, unanimous decision. I was excited... you would be my assistant. We went to Chefs for our little Christmas party and you looked so cute. We got free cheese bread. Haha

Flash forward to the next semester. I had a thing for you, but as soon as you muttered the word "boyfriend" I dropped back. I didn't want to be that guy again.

Fate would play us differently.

We went to Sole a few weeks after the semester started. You asked for a ride. I said, sure, why not? We were talking on the way there. It was honestly some of the best conversation I have ever had with a girl that I knew so little about. We seemed to have some sort of connection, though at the time I could never have predicted its magnitiude.

Still, we both pushed on with our separate relationships for some time. My little crush on you grew slowly, yours a bit more quickly.

Then came the bigger setback. You went to NYC on a trip with the others. I didn't. You got close with someone. I didn't like that. When you came back and were being overly friendly with him, and when other people were saying things, I withdrew. A lot. My heart can only take so much before I go crazy, and I could feel that old familiar pain.

I upset you. I'm sorry. I will never make up for that mistake, though I plan on trying.

Still, we watched our stupid videos, we laughed and joked occasionally. I never stopped liking you. In fact, I could feel it growing stronger every day, despite my attempts to keep it at bay.

Then came the ball game. You were drunk. So was I. A creep kept hitting on you. I switched over to protective boyfriend mode... something I wasn't expecting. Then you went missing. That's when I clicked. Searching through those wide halls of the stadium, I knew I wouldn't be happy until I could call you mine.

Everything progressed from there, slowly at first, but more quickly later on, until we reached the point we're at today.

When I first saw you in late August/early September, I would have never guessed that we would end up together. There is no way I could have known you were the perfect girl.

We click so well on every level.

We laugh, we joke, we read and eat and sleep. We write and edit. We talk, we stare, we taste and touch, smell and listen.

Every single on of your qualities matches up with one of mine in some way. You are the pickle to my peanut butter. You are the ketchup to my grilled cheese. You mean everything to me and more.

When we were made we were set apart. And I have to speculate that God himself did make us into corresponding shapes. Like puzzle pieces from the clay. So brown eyes I hold you near, cause you're the only song I want to hear. A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere.

It kills me to know that you were so close before, just right down the road, and we could have never met.

You and I, the couple who can talk about anything, laugh about anything, and do anything together. We could have never met. It's so scary, yet it fills me with a sense of fulfillment. We did meet, and things are perfect.

I wake up every day to your beautiful face on my mind. I fall asleep every day thinking the same. Every second in between is for you. You are always on my mind. Your love is always in my heart.

I'm very lucky to have you and I plan on keeping you forever. And when forever is over, I'll keep you one more day.

You make me believe in soul mates and providence and fate.

I love you. I always will. That's a promise I will never break. My heart won't let me.



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