I swear that I will love you forever.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

a simple list

I thought it would be fun to make a list of the reasons I love you. Some are silly, some are sort of deep, and some are just little observations I've made in the past couple of months. Obviously, I could go on forever so I had to cap it off at 100. I hope you don't mind.

So, without further adieu, here are 100 reasons why I absolutely love you:

1. the way you hold a smile in sometimes and your face gets all scrunchy and cute
2. the way your eyes just beam and sparkle when you look at me
3. how we can hang out and do whatever and it always feels right
4. the way your hair falls over your cheeks and on your neck...so I can brush it aside to kiss you
5. because you say "i love you" first sometimes
6. when i text you before i come over and ask you if you're sure you want me to come, you say "pshhh yeah!" or "hurry up!" or something cute
7. your laugh. it's incredible.
8. when you laugh so hard you snort
9. your nose. it's so cute and little. sorry for biting it sometimes :-P
10. your kisses. i like how they can go on forever. i plan on taking you up on that.
11. your neck. its long and kissable. (and when you look at the scar i hope you remember that i will be there for you through both the best and worst of times)
12. the way you like to take ridiculous pictures
13. the way you love the fact that i am insane... you call me ridiculous with such endearment in your voice
14. your sense of fashion. you're cute <3
15. the fact that you haven't let anyone trample your morals. you have conviction in your beliefs, sometimes in the face of loss, and it shows a lot about you as a person. you're strong. i admire that. i promise to always respect that too.
16. the way you put your head on my shoulder on car rides sometimes
17. the way you let me hold your hand all of the time
18. the sound of your voice (and i mean every sound, especially when you get all worked up and high pitched, thats cute)
19. your cheeks. they're highly kissable.
20. the same goes for your forehead
21. your new "blair waldorf headband fashion"
22. the way you pull your cute voice out and act all timid when you ask me to take you somewhere. totally unnecessary, but totally lovable
23. the way you are opening my doors to awesome new things. (musicals, gg, a fine frenzy, sinatra/mills brothers, yoga, I could go on forever...)
24. the way you don't mind spending ALL of your time with me. ******this one is awesome******
25. the way you rock out to music in my car
26. the way you make me feel appreciated as a boyfriend
27. the fact that your bed has 6 bajillion blankets. love it.
28. the fact that you put up with me sleeping in your bed for like 4 hours every night
29. because you're just plain awesome
30. the way you can go out in public unshowered with sweat pants on. you're easygoing and i love it.
31. the fact that you want to take classes with me
32. the hilarious things you say (back on the shelf... hahaha)
33. the fact that you can laugh at all of the random shit that comes out of my mouth
34. the way i get all nervous around you still sometimes, even after three months
35. your family. i sort of want your brother to be my bff
36. your choice of reading material. ummm... a smart girl? hell yes. P&P ftw.
37. the fact that you get stuff done. when you have to do something, you do it. simple. awesome.
38. umm... because you were the best assistant ever...?
39. your friends. you've got some really great ones. hold onto em.
40. your big brown eyes <3333 (not mud)
41. when you use your big brown eyes to get what you want
42. the fact that you're planning to team up with Chelsea and our tiny humans to get what you want
43. the fact that you hate megan fox as much as i do
44. because you let me borrow your books
45. because you made me a book reading list
46. because you let me rate your burps
47. the inside jokes we have amassed (sailboats, bubbles...etc.)
48. the fact that i'm pretty sure that you're smarter than me.
49. the fact that your name is keeley. how badass is that? yay for crazy names.
50. our mutual enjoyment of nature.
51. one word... thorax
52. the way we make food together
53. the way we can be condescending together
54. your craftmaking skills
55. because you work for the BUFFALO EFFING NEWS! AWESOME!
56. because you get all of my obscure little random references
57. our mutual love of christmas music
58. the fact that we have the future sorta planned out and it feels right
59. our mutual love of travel
60. the way we can drink together and have fun with it
61. that way you play with your hair when you're reading a text
62. the way you make yourself at home in my bedroom
63. because you make me a better person. (i have you to thank for my internship, my continuing role on the paper, my new love of cooking, my clean room... what can i say? you motivate me.)
64. because you are willing to put up with my friends, even the boring ones
65. you laugh at my bad jokes (knock knock... who's there?... the interrupting cow... the interrupting cow who?.............. moo.)
66. the way you balance science and your beliefs and constantly correct me when I accidently say "believe in evolution"
67. because you totally stalked me for the first half of this year... excuse me.. pined. :-P
68. your general girlyness (love of shiny things, fuzzy animals, etc.)
69. i think this is an appropriate number to bring up ice skating... don't you? umm... love it. especially the showers in boston and the blue dress in nyc... :-)
70. because you put up with all of my flaws and never bitch at me about them.. and there are plenty
71. because you let me open doors and carry heavy things and pay for your meals. chivalry is not dead, i promise.
72. our ridiculous nicknames for our exes... and the way we can talk about them even when we weren't supposed to
73. your long long legs... <333
74. oddly enough... your health issues. its lame but they pull me closer to you. i like to try to help.
75. your hair. it really is beautiful. up, down, sideways, all messed up... it doesn't matter.
76. the way you get all crazy when you drink... awesome
77. because you are quite possibly the funniest girl i have ever met
78. ummm.. because you compliment me. i might act all cool and calm all of the time but that's not the whole story. the ego-boost is good. which brings me to my next point...
79. the way i can let you in on all of my deep, dark little secrets without feeling weird. you are my rock. you are my sunshine. i need you from here on out.
80. because you deserve it. you deserve someone to love you with all of their heart. you're an amazing girl and i'm sorry for the bullshit guys you've dated.
81. the way you put your hand on the back of my neck when we're kissing. superhot.
82. because youre as ticklish as me
83. because we fit together like spoons in a kitchen drawer
84. your good taste in movies... chick flicks? yes, plz.
85. because you make me excited for the future. cali, nyc, boston, dc, st pete? it doesn't matter, as long as i'm with you.
86. the way you clap your hands when you get excited
87. your toes... i think they're cute
88. your socks too. awesome.
89. and scarves! haha <3
90. your ears. they're kissable and nibblable (is that a word?)
91. the way you like to do ridiculous things with me (tops at midnight for juice boxes, searching for homeless kids in the woods at UB, etc.)
92. because you think its hot when i play guitar
93. your obsession with Perez... haha
94. just because the very thought of you, just a flash of your face in my mind, makes me smile every time
95. because you make me feel complete. you're the missing piece to my puzzle
96. the way you'll wear matching clothes with me... we're dorks
97. you have great taste in music
98. ...because you are beautiful. You don't even have to try. I've seen you when you wake up in the morning with an old T-shirt of mine on and some baggy sweat pants and your hair is all messed up and I still think that you're beautiful. I really do. I mean it. You're beautiful.
99. Because on that fateful January day, when you casually mentioned that you had a boyfriend, I almost gave up on you. And then on that car ride on the way to UB to go to Sole, we had that great conversation, and it sparked that little spark. And then that little spark grew and grew. And then the baseball game happened and I couldn't ignore that spark anymore. I couldn't ignore it because that spark was a full fledged fire by then. And then we chatted for all of April and that fire turned into a raging forest fire. And then there were those four days where I was single. And the first day was amazing. And then April 22 occurred. And things have been perfect since then. Absolutely perfect. You've given me the best summer of my life. <333
100. the fact that this list was super easy to make... wanna know why?

Because i love you. <3

I love you. Those words always seem to be ready to jump out of my mouth all the time these days. You do that to me.

I love you. <3


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