I swear that I will love you forever.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

crazy late night post

I can't sleep.

Usually when I can't sleep it's because there's something bugging me or there's some sort of problem. Tonight, I can't sleep because of the exact opposite.

Tonight, I can't fall asleep because life is perfect.

Tonight, I can't sleep because you are perfect.

You see, I sort of never thought that there was a perfect girl for me. I always thought that I would have to settle for a girl with some flaws but I would eventually learn to live them with and get over it. I assumed that it would take some work at first, but I could eventually be happy with just about any girl.

Way to turn that idea upside down. Now I'm sitting here, absolutely astonished at how awesome life is, and I can't fall asleep.

I see you every day. I can't say that I know everything about you, because you've lived on this earth for 22 years without me and I missed out on a lot, but I can say that I know a good deal of the important things about you. And from what I've seen, you are everything I dreamed of in a girl.

No, you're more than I dreamed of in a girl.

I know that you think you have some problems. I've heard about them. I don't care. The flaws that you think you have make me love you even more.

When I think about you and me and everything we have and everything we've planned I feel fulfilled and lucky and blessed and extremely fortunate all at the same time. You know I'm not exactly a religious person but I feel like I should thank someone for bringing us together. I need to thank someone for completing my puzzle. I need to thank someone for putting two pieces of clay from the same mold back together.

I also want to tell you that I'm sorry. I know that I'm not exactly perfect. I've done some things in my past that I'm not entirely proud of, some things I could take back if I could. I want to apologize for those things and thank you for never being judgmental. You accept me for who I am and you love me despite of all of it. I couldn't ask for anything more. I appreciate that soooo much.

I told you today that I want to make up for all of the garbage you've dealt with in the past. I want to make up for the time I acted like a jerk before we were together (pre-awesome, as you so fondly refer to it). I also want to make up for the telephone pole, and the hobbit, and the kid from Beth Cooper, and whatever other crappy people you've had to deal with. I know you said that you haven't put up with anything outside the realm of things that other girls deal with, but you're not some "other girl." You're MY girl. You're the PERFECT girl. You deserve better.

It might not be my place to try to make up for them, but I feel like I owe it to you. You've been dealing with crappy boys with juvenile agendas for the past, I don't know, seven years or so. You've weathered heartbreak, confusion, torment, anguish, longing, and pain and it's time for it all to stop. I'm pulling you from the games that boys play and showing you how a real man should treat you.

My plans for the future include you and me and a very big world that is just begging for us to visit it. We are going to check off every little item on your to-do list, one by one. And then one day, when we've traveled enough and we're weary from the road for a little bit, we'll start our beautiful little family which will inevitably include cute doe-eyed babies that know how to look at daddy to get their way.

All that matters to me is that I have you to share it all with.

I love you with all of my heart and my soul and I swear on my own life that I will never, ever let you go.


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