I swear that I will love you forever.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


When you really, really like someone, it really doesn't matter what everyone else thinks about your relationship. The mutual feelings between you should be enough to keep everything strong.

That said, it doesn't hurt when everyone and their brother tells you how cute you are together.

I have never, ever, once gotten a compliment about the way a girlfriend and myself look as a couple.

But in the past month and a half, we've had at least a half of a dozen people call us cute or adorable or a great couple. And it feels good.

It takes that feeling that I have, the one that tells me that she is the perfect girl for me, and it multiplies it. It takes that feeling and strengthens it and emboldens it and makes me love her even more.

It's really weird being in a relationship where everything seems to be pointed in the right direction. There have been times in the past where it was like "yeah, okay, things are going well but there's this that I don't like, or I have to worry about that." Blah blah blah.

But with my current girlfriend, there are no "little things." There are no little details about her that I have to ignore to be happy. She doesn't do anything that pisses me off or gets under my skin. She doesn't say dumb things that embarrass me in front of my friends.

It's quite the opposite. Almost every day I see her she amazes me just a little bit more. She'll drop some obscure reference or say something super cute or even use one of my little catchphrases and it just makes me fall that much more in love. And every time I look at her, every freaking time I look at her, all I can think about is how beautiful she is. I am so incredibly attracted to this girl that it's ridiculous.

If we both had a whole free day and it was rainy outside and we were stuck in my bedroom I would... well, I'm going to stop there.

But my god... I get that feeling deep in my chest every time I see her for the first time each day. And every night when she shuts the door and looks at me through the window I capture that image of her in my mind. I freeze it and look at it over and over for as long as I'm awake.

She is beautiful.